A Face Without Freckles,
Is Like A Night Without Stars

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Little Boys Tantrums

Wow, I am getting to frustrated with whining boys. No matter what I do if I give them their way they still whine if I don't I still hear it. I need too hear from you super moms what is the trick. I love my son to death but I am going bonkers. He is a completely different kid for me than everyone else. And I am not sure what to do with him. And you all know which one I am talking about (Tayton). He is the sweetest but the rottenest one I have. He knows exactly what buttons too push and when. I have to leave the room and count hahahaha before I react.

Do they ever grow out of tantrums? Plese say yes.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Wow, So love the Holiday's but so excited when they are done and over. Make very long days. Heading from one parent too the next. But the kids love too see all their cousins and the Grandparents.

This Easter we started off Saturday at noon at Devin's parents in Mesa. The kids colored eggs, then dads hid them, then they went in the backyard too find them. That was really funny to watch the kids were able to find four eggs, but surprise surprise, dads hid them so hard that they even forgot where they were. They had to trace their steps. They even camouflaged some of them. For the older girls. Then they played some games for some cool prizes. Very funny too watch I might add. Then back inside too eat lunch and then relax.

Then at four we headed to Grandpa and Grandpa Dee's (hahahaha) Easter Party. We basically did the same thing. But at a park near Kasandra's. The kids were loving the park. Devin had two girls fall in love with him. Maci and Morgan (Geoff's girls) let him push them on the swings for probubly half and hour or so. Maci was so sad when he took them off. She didn't care that it was time to find the eggs she was having such a relaxing time. Was so addorable. The moms hid the eggs, we made it alittle too easy I think. But too many little kids. Out of 25 kids The oldest was 12 and the youngest was 1 Little Brodie. But he was more interested in the basketball. CUTE CUTE. Then Grandma gave out the Easter stuffed animals. All five got new bunnies this year, and Tayton can't get over the fact that Daxton got the same bunny that Tayton got last year. Crazy Crazy. He can't stop telling everyone.

Then we headed on that long journey home, good old Florence. Man can't wait too move back closer too family. Well that was our wonderful Easter. Hope everyone had a wonderful day and Remembered what the real reason we celebrate Easter.

Day At The Park

Wow, Taylor and Calvin attend Eduprize Charter School in Queen Creek, And we Love it. But, they have a half day every Friday, so Mom was trying to find something for them too do for the next few hours to keep them happy and occupied. Well, Since Tayton loves the park and outdoors thought that would be a wonderful place. So we headed off to Magma Ranch Park. Dad was working overtime today but luckily he got off in just enough time too come and play.

They were having fun for the first 45 min. but after that they started getting winny and well needless too say it was getting hot and mom and Dad weren't having a relaxing time. So off we went back home too relax at home on the cumfy couch.

Of course everyone but Tayton was loving the camera so we are one kid short.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Finally did it

Ok, I finally caught up with all you bloggers. Well, trying anyways. Life is so crazy havnt found the time nor did I have a digital camera. Until my sweet hubby bought me one for Valentines Day. Love It. But will need help spicing up my blog, give me hints please.